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To login, do:
  cvs login
When you are asked for a password, just hit return.
To check out the source, do from the source directory (co is short for commit):
  cvs -z3 co gitk-core
  cvs -z3 co gitk-examples
  cvs -z3 co gitk-renderer-gtk
  cvs -z3 co gitk-renderer-text
To updated the source, do from within each directory (up is short for update):
  cvs -z3 up -dP .


Although GITK strives to be portable, a few dependencies exists.

When you are using a linux distribution, make sure you have the *-devel packages installed as well.


Building the GITK packages requires fairly up-to-date version of certain development tools (packages in [ ] are not required, but suggested). I use :

To build the cvs version of gitk-core, do (from within the directory):
  ./ --prefix=/home/user/gitk --enable-debug=yes --enable-dtd-validation=yes
This runs all the tools like autoconf, automake, gettextize and more in the right order with the right settings for you.
Then type make and make install (depending on the choosen --prefix you might need root-privileges to do that) to build and install the package. Now make sure that $prefix/lib/pkgconfig is part of the environment variable $PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

To build the cvs version of gitk-renderers and the example, do (from within each directory):
  ./ --prefix=/home/user/gitk --enable-debug=yes --with-gitk-prefix=/home/user/gitk
After that proceed with the steps described for the core package.

When building .tar.gz releases exchange the ./ with ./configure.


To see if it works, you can do
  make check
in gitk-core and if that runs through can try :
  cd [gitk-prefix]
  ./bin/gitkHelloUser --help
  ./bin/gitkHelloUser --version
  ./bin/gitkHelloUser --version --gitk-renderer=text
  ./bin/gitkHelloUser --gitk-renderer=text
  ./bin/gitkHelloUser --gitk-renderer=gtk
Incase nothing happens, have a look at the file /tmp/gitk.log - all debug output goes there. During testing, it is convinient to use tail -f /tmp/gitk.log so that you can follow the output. The output is only there when not disabled via configure (which is enabled by default) and it uses ansi color.


One known problem is installing gitk locally (to /home/user). If the make install step is not carried out as root, the giml.dtd file can not be registered in the systemwide catalog. In this case one needs to execute this line as root:

xmlcatalog --noout --add "system" "" "file:///home/user/gitk/share/gitk/giml.dtd" /etc/xml/catalog


We currently build GITK on sparc/solaris2.6, on i586/linux (suse9.0) and i568/cygwin (windows). To compile we are using gcc versions 2.95.X and 3.3. GITK should build and work on most linux/unix platforms though.


You can access the current api-docs online or download them as a .tar.gz-archive. The documentation is created using doxygen.
If you want to build it by yourself, change to the directory where all modules have been checked out and initialy create a dir called docs. Then run:
  doxygen gitk-core/Doxyfile
The created documentation can be found in docs/html subfolder.
Send mail to: Stefan Kost
Last modified: Tue Jan 14 21:26:23 EET 2008
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